The Art Gallery

    It all began on the ENWorld Art Forum.

    At the time, I was busy developing Urbis, and adding fantasy art to it was the least of my worries. But then I saw the picture of a tower on this forum which fitted the vision I had of my world perfectly. So I asked the artist if I could use it on my home page.

    He said yes.

    Then I wondered what I could offer in return. I noticed that he apparently didn't have a gallery of his own for all these images - which meant that once the forum thread closed, nobody would be able to see them. Since I do have ample webspace thanks to my brother, I offered him to create a gallery. He agreed to this, and you can see the result here.

    Later on I noticed that other artists on this board didn't have their own art galleries either. So I offered to create an art gallery for them as well - in return for a single piece of art for Urbis.

    This offer still stands. If you are a hobby artist (or even a professional one - though in that case it is unlikely that this offer would interest you...), and you create a single picture that I deem appropriate for Urbis (look at the Urbis Home Page to get an impression of the world, as well as a few ideas what kind of images would be appropriate...), I will put up an art gallery for you here - with as many images as you wish (well, within reason - a couple of megabytes of images are OK, but much more than that is pushing it...). There are only two major limitations:

    Additional notes: The image intended for the Urbis Home Page doesn't have to be completely new - if you created it for another occasion, but it fits into Urbis, then that's OK, too... Likewise, I wouldn't complain if anyone submitted more than one piece of art for Urbis.   ;-)

    (If you already have an art gallery of your own, but offer me an image anyway, I can offer you nothing but my profound thanks and a link to your website...)

    If you have any questions regarding this offer, just email me!

    Well, so much for that - now take a look at all this gorgeous art!

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